MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008-2010)
Postdoctoral associate, Media Arts & Sciences, MIT Media Lab.
Advisor: Pr. Hiroshi Ishii.

Harvard – Berkman Klein Center (2008-2010)
Cyberscholar, liaison for MIT & Yale.

INRIA, Université Paris Sud 11, CNRS (2004-2007)
PhD on technological creativity and exaptation.
Advisor: Pr. Wendy Mackay
Comittee: Pr. Edith Ackermann, Pr. Françoise Decortis, Pr. Stéphane Natkin

CNAM – Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (2003-2004)
Research masters in Arts, Sciences & Techniques. ( mention très bien )

INA -Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (2002-2003)
Hypermedia masters.


Radical Design Studio (2009-present)
Designer & Researcher. Deep tech projects for Public and Private sector clients.

Consultant (2015-present)
Strategic consulting for French government and ministries.

MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2010-present)
Research affiliate.

Sciences Po Paris (2018-2023)
Associate Researcher (Maître de Conférence) in Radical Design.

CNAM – Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (2015-2017)
Associate Researcher in Tangible Interfaces and new interactions.

Bell Labs ( 2010-2015)
Director ot the innovation lab, Researcher. Management of a team and research projects in AI,
IoT, BigData, DataViz.

ENSAD – Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (2009-2015)
Professor, Researcher (departements of design and research) . Interaction Design, Arts & Sciences.

INRIA – Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (2004-2008)
Research Assistant at InSitu lab CNRS / Paris Sud / INRIA Futurs.

Entrepreneur (1998-2004)
Director & co-founder of two technological startups (Kabale Sarl & Popular S.A.).


Co-founder of Dorkbot Paris. Art & Science experimental workshops.

Co-founder of the OMNSH. Human Sciences Observatory for Digital Worlds.

Co-founder of ArtSciEdu (Art, Science, Education) initiative that organises workshops and residency programs in Fine Arts schools and Scientific labs.